It is great to be in New England! With the exception of the laundry hanging on the clotheslines, Bennington, VT doesn't feel like Maine. However, it is a charming, picture-postcard town on the northern end of the Massachusetts Berkshires and the southern gateway to the Green Mtns. of Vermont. Maple syrup is the claim to fame here followed closely by...maple sugar candy and covered bridges!
Bennington's attraction this summer is "MooseFest." Forty, nearly life-sized,colorful,themed moose are scattered around the small town.
The Appalachian Trail passes thru Bennington. We hiked to the top of Harmon Mtn. to meet Adrienne. We had to bribe her and a few of her hiker friends with dinner in town in exhange for photos with "Hiker" moose. She is down to the final 500 miles of the AT!
We biked the paved Ashuwillicook Rail/Trail 2x. There was no winery on this trail...but there were Margaritas at CJ's Tavern. :) The trail follows a river, meanders through wetlands, wraps half-way around a lake, all with mountains on both sides.
It has been raining frequently and, we've spent a fair amount of time inside...watching for New England bound hurricanes! It's a good excuse to get a haircut, browse the bookstores, do the laundry, take in an art exhibit etc., etc. Al even played Scrabble with me...twice!!
We had planned to go directly to Maine, but decided we'd stop in New Hampshire in the White Mountains for a week or so. An RV spot near Mt. Washington reserved, our departure Check-List prepared, Al added a little air to the tires (with his brand new air compressor), and disconnected the various and assorted electric cords, unmentionable hoses etc. We bid our RV Park neighbors farewell, loaded the kittys and pulled the Rig ahead to remove the blocking. A large amount of water started coming from the bottom. Wow, where is that coming from???? Ok, well it eventually stopped. We'll deal with it when we get to New Hampshire._