Here we are at Deer Farm Campground in Kingfield, Maine. The Park is...rustic (although recycling is mandatory...or "take your trash home with you" and once again the rig sits in a well-shaded spot. But, Josh is closeby in Carrabassett Valley and it's Fall and we'll have a great time! There are some really good restaurants in close proximity to the ski resort at Sugarloaf Mtn...and we are eating really well. My new favorite is "cheeseburger soup" at The Rack.
We biked on The Narrow Guage Rail/Trail which follows the Carrabassett Stream and comes to an end at the base of SugarLoaf Mtn. where one can indulge in a nice cup of Irish Coffee before heading back. Josh sprayed our bike chains with some miraculous substance and I now see the benefit of utilizing those gears!
The leaves are "turning" a bit early and the scenery changes daily! Maine has a "Hut to Hut" 180-mile project underway for hiking/cross-country skiing between huts. Two are completed; the others are under construction. We hiked to the Poplar Falls Hut while Josh arrived by mountain bike trail for lunch in the beautiful lodge.
We hiked up the backside of Sugarloaf Mtn. on the AT...and it was hard! It was very steep and mostly huge rocks. I just don't know how Adrienne does this day after day carrying a full pack. She is down to the last 200 miles or so. What an amazing test of emotional and physical endurance.
You know we're always on the lookout for KW signs...and low and behold we sighted one in Carrabassett Valley!
Togetherness Meter: Al went off with Josh to work on a mountainbike trail for an upcoming race. The kittys and I attended to some domestic chores and pined away for a few hours.
Maine is known to be home to hundreds of moose...which we searched for tirelessly. We drove the 20+ miles between Stratton and Rangely (moose alley)a number of times...nothing. Hiking around some small ponds near the campground we saw much evidence of where the moose "was", i.e., Al's shoe beside the moose hoof print. :)
It feels good to be in Maine, especially at our favorite time of year. There is nothing like fresh Apple Cider pressed yesterday! It is fun to watch the loon family in the pond. But, it's getting cold; frost is in the air. The kittys have reminded us they were born in Alabama and require a certain amount of warmth. We stayed in Kingfield a few days longer than we had planned. Bangor is the next stop!