Fall has arrived in Alaska. Our fellow Workampers left for the lower 48 weeks ago. The Big Horn is closed up and safely stored in a cozy, heated facility for the winter. WE'RE DOING IT--WE'RE STAYING IN ALASKA FOR THE WINTER! We're Mainiacs, we're tough, we know what winter is all about. What an adventure we'll have. We're ready!
Our winter home: The Wendler Tower, far left, upstairs--complete with a turret.
The view of Mt. Spur from our kitchen window .
The leaves turned yellow overnight... There is a chill in the air.
One more hike down to the Kenai River before it gets too cold...it starts to spit snow. Toad broke a piece of ice from the pond when we passed through the barnyard.
Oh gosh, look, snow...already. We need to order our puffy coats...and boots...and flannel sheets. Wait! We're not ready!