Monday, September 28, 2015

Sumas, WA Border Crossing

July 2013

So much for being blessed....  After sitting in line for an hour or so to clear U.S. Customs, the Border agents requested we pull over, open the slides and make ourselves comfortable in their glassed-in room for another hour...because we had 1/2 an avocado and 2 sweet potatoes on board.  In their search, they also confiscated our lunch--contraband apples, later returned to us because the agent found the original bag in the refrigerator. Thank goodness I discarded the bag and mixed the Canadian-made kitty food in the bag purchased in Alaska as they inquired about that as well.  However, of more concern to them, was an old box of shotgun shells that we could not prove were not purchased in Canada--they were not interested in the shotgun itself.

More searching uncovered salmon in the freezer.  Upon request, Al provided his Alaska fishing license and was warned that if we had King Salmon in the freezer it should have been noted on the license.  It wasn't noted because WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY KING SALMON IN THE FREEZER!

After much ado, the kind agents informed us none of the above was a problem because we are not felons and they wished us a cheery "Welcome Home."  They declined to be photographed for the BLOG.

The experience left us feeling a little...violated.  However, all griping aside, we're happy to be home and grateful that we can come right through the front door--so to speak. 

... And I'm proud to be an American,
Where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the one's who died,
Who gave that right to me.
                                Lee GreenwoodAmerica the Beautiful Composite Photo